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Module 18: Query Triggers


Query Triggers

01.  If the operator initiates a query, when will the PRE-QUERY trigger fire?

A. After the cursor has moved out of the queried item.

B. Before the query criteria has been entered.

C. After the block has been exited.

D. After the query criteria has been entered.

Answer: D

02. Which triggers can be used to perform additional tasks during the record retrieval process?

A. Query triggers.

B. Commit triggers.

C. Block processing triggers.

D. Triggers that can be fired in Enter Query mode.

Answer: A

03. The Payroll application is causing excessive network traffic because users are querying the database for a large amount of records. You determine that when a user executes a query from the EMPLOYEE form, more records are returned than are needed. To help users streamline the search criteria, you want to force them to fill in at least two text items before the query will execute.

Which type of trigger would you use to accomplish this task?

A. Key-

B. Upon-

C. Pre-

D. Post-

E. When

Answer: C

04. What does Forms do when a POST-QUERY trigger populates an item?

A. validation

B. navigation

C. Suspend query execution until the same record is populated.

D. Display the system alter to commit or rollback pending changes.

Answer: A

05.  You want to exercise more control over your queries at run time.

Which statement is true about actions you can do during query processing?

A. You cannot change the constructed SELECT statement.

B. You can override any part of the constructed SELECT statement by resetting the SYSTEM.LAST_QUERY variable and resume the process by calling the SELECT_RECORDS built-in procedure in the Pre-Query trigger.

C. You can determine which item should be included in a query by setting its QUERYABLE property to Yes in the Pre-Query trigger.

D. You can dynamically change query conditions in the Example Record for each record to be fetched next by examining the current record in the Post-Query trigger.

Answer: A

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