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Module 11: Creating Windows and Content Canvases

Creating Windows and Content Canvases

01. What Is a Window?

 A window is a container for all visual objects that make up a Forms application. It is similar to an empty picture frame & enable such functionality as scrolling, moving, and resizing

02. What is a Canvas?

A canvas is a surface inside a window container on which you “paint” visual objects

03. What Is a Viewport?

A viewport is an attribute of a canvas. It is effectively the visible portion of, or view onto, the canvas

04. What is Content Canvas?

A content canvas is the base & default canvas type that occupies the entire content pane of the window in which it is displayed.

05. The Relationship Between Windows and Content Canvases

You must create at least one content canvas for each window in your application. When you run a form, only one content canvas can display in a window at a time, even though more than one content canvas can be assigned to the same window at design time. At run time, a content canvas always completely fills its window. 

As the user resizes the window, Forms resizes the canvas automatically. If the window is too small to show all items on the canvas, Forms automatically scrolls the canvas to bring the current item into view.

06. Write down the Uses and Benefits of a New Window?

You can create additional windows in which to display your form application. A new or second window provides the ability to do the following:

•  Display two or more content canvases at once.

•  Modularize the form contents.

•  Switch between canvases without replacing the initial one.

•  Take advantage of window manager functionality such as minimizing

07. Write down the types of a New Window?

You can create two different types of windows:

Modal window: A modal window is a restricted window that the user must respond to before moving the input focus to another window. 

o  Must be dismissed before control can be returned to a modeless window

o  Become active as soon as they display

o  Require a means of exit or dismissal

Modeless window: A modeless window is an unrestricted window that the user can exit freely. 

o  Can be displayed at the same time as multiple other modeless windows

o  Are not necessarily active when displayed

o  Are the default window type 

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