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Module 06: Working with Data Blocks and Frames

 Working with Data Blocks and Frames

1.How you can display property palette?

To display the property palette of an object, we have to use one of the following methods :

•  Select the object in the object Navigator, and then select tools> property palette from the menu.

•  Double-click the object icon for the object in the object Navigator.

•  Double-click an item in the Layout editor.

2.Write down the name of data block property group. Describe database properties.

Data block property groups:

•  General

•  Navigation

•  Records

•  Database

•  Advanced Database

•  Scrollbar

•  Visual Attributes

•  Color

•  International

Database properties: 

In the database group of  the Property Palette, we can set numerous properties to control interaction with the database server. Some of these properties are :

•  Database data block.

•  Enforce Primary Key.

•  Query allowed/Insert Allowed/Update allowed/Delete Allowed

3.How to set properties on Multiple objects?

To set properties on multiple objects at one time, perform the following steps:

a.  Open the property palette for one of the objects.

b.  Press and hold the Ctrl key and select each object in the object Navigator   

c.  Set the intersection/Union button from the toolbar in the property palette to the desired operation . This button toggles between  the two options.

d.  Change the displayed properties, as required. Our changes are applied to all selected objects with these properties

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