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Module 2: Introduction to Structured Programming

 Introduction to Structured Programming

1. Today in developing a program, major emphasis is given on which aspects?   

A. Efficient algorithms and techniques to save computer time and memory.

B. Easily understood logic.

C. Easy maintenance

D. Low usage of costly disk space

Answer: B, C

2. Which of the following the term structured programming refers to?

A. A collection of techniques to follow for program developing

B. A collection of library code to help programmers

C. A collection of hardware for fast processing

D. A collection of efficient logic

Answer: A

3. The main transfers controls to a sub module to perform a task. What happens when the sub module has completed its task?

A. The sub module closes the program

B. The sub module returns control to the main module

C. The sub module waits idly for the main task the control back

D. The sub module transfers control the underlying operating system

Answer: B

4. Which type of subroutines is frequently used for complex processing that is needed by many users, such as mathematical or statistical routines or the storing of files?

A. Internal

B. External

Answer: B

5. The top down approach is a useful technique in                          

A. Planning a modular programming

B. Writing a smart program code

C. An object oriented programming

D. Report writing

Answer: A

6. What do we do identify a module?

A. A module is given an abbreviated name

B. A module is given a name which reflects what the module does and a number is included with name

C. A module is given a name with a special prefix.

D. None of the above

Answer: B

7. A structure chart is commonly used planning tool in                        

A. Top-down programming

B. Object oriented programming

C. Procedural programming

D. Data processing.

Answer: A

8. Find out the following logic patterns or structures are identified as sufficient for any structured programming?

A. The sequence structure.

B. The loop structure

C. The selection structure

D. Control structure.

Answer: A, B, C

9.  EOF means……..

A. There is no record in the file.

B. The file does not exist

C. The file is not accessible

D. The file cannot be created

Answer: A

10. In modular programming, the program is broken down into __

A. Files 

B.  Projects

C.  Instructions 

D. Modules

Answer: D

11. Modular programming is implemented by ___

A. Subroutine 

B. Instructions

C. Source programs

D. Machine code

Answer: A

12. Which one is the definition of a subroutine?

A. A group of instructions that perform a limited processing task.

B. A file that contains a group of instructions that performs a limited processing task.

C. A group of instructions that performs a total processing task.

D. None

Answer: A

13. A collection of techniques for planning writing for program that increases programmer productivity is

A. Modular programming

B. Procedural programming

C. Structure programming 

D. A functional programming 

Answer: C

14. Which of the following are related to structured programming?

A. Top down programming

B. Use of control structure-loop, selection, sequence

C. Functional programming


Answer: A

15. In modular programming, a piece of program that performs a single limited function is known as which of the following?

A. A class

B. A module

C. A loop

D. A sequence

Answer: B

16. The likelihood of error in a small & limited purpose serving module is reduced. Why?

A. Because each module is written by an individual team.

B. Because it commented well while coding

C. Because the purpose & size of the each module is limited

D. All of the above

Answer: C

17. In Modular programming, each program contains a main module, which controls everything that happens but it transfers control to sub modules so that they can perform their function. Then, which of the following is true?

A. Each Sub module exits program when it has performed its function. 

B. Each Sub module returns control to the main module when it has performed its function. 

C. Each Sub module calls an exit module when it has performed its function.

D. None

Answer: B

18. A printed line that contains information about a single entity is which of the following

A. Group indication

B. Heading line  

C. Detail line

D. Printed line

Answer: C

19. The subroutine that is part of the program that uses is ___________

A. An internal subroutine

B. An external subroutine

C. None

Answer: A

20. After a subroutine has finished its work what will happen?

A. The program end

B. Control is returned transferred to the caller of the subroutine

C. Control is transferred to the exit routine

D. None

Answer: B

21. Which one is register?

A. A special - purpose hardware

B. A special - purpose software

C. A special-purpose memory device

D. None

Answer: C

22. The instruction that transfers control to the subroutine and back again are commonly known as___________

A. Call instruction

B. Return instruction

C. Call and return instruction

D. Any of the three

Answer: C

23. The transfer of control to the subroutine and return control back is possible because

A. the location of the instruction to which control is to return is stored in program

B. the location of the instruction to which control is to return is stored in memory

C. the location of the instruction to which control is to return is stored in register

D. None

Answer: C

24. A set of instructions for performing a particular task that can be used by any program as the instructions reside in a library that is external to the using program is ……

A. Internal subroutine 

B. External subroutine

C. Module

D. None

Answer: B

25. In this technique we define the main program module, which initiates the program, call other modules and then terminates. What technique is this?

A. Modular programming 

B. Top-down programming 

C. Bottom up programming 

D. None

Answer: B

26. Structure chart is planning tool used in 

A. Modular programming 

B. Top-down programming 

C. Bottom up programming 

D. None

Answer: A

27. Which of the following is / are true for structure chart?

A. It does not show the exact processing steps

B. It does not show what modules will be called under what condition 

C. It does not show function to perform

D. It does not show relationship between modules. 

Answer: A, B

28. Reading of first record in a file prior to entering a loop that is executed until EOF id reached is known as __

A. Active read 

B. Priming read

C. Data read 

D. Read record

Answer: B

29. Pseudo code is ________________

A. language dependent

B. language independent

C. a flowcharting tool

D. a .NET complaint language

Answer: B

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