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Module 06: Multi Level Control Break

Multi Level Control Break

1. Define the following Keywords:

Detail-printed: Refers to a report which contains detail lines.

Group-indicated:  The printing in a report of only those control field values that have changed since they were last printed.

Group-printed:  Refers to a report in which a line of data summarizes information from more than one record; a report without detail line.

HIPO: HIPO stands for Hierarchical Input Process Output. It is a technique for planning and documenting structured programs that’s utilizes a hierarchy ( structure) chart, a description of the input and output for each module, and a description in pseudo code of the processing steps for each module.

Intermediate Control Field: A control field, other than the major or minor control field, present only when there are three or more control field.

Major Control Field: The most significant field in the ordering of a file; the one that changes least frequently.

Minor Control Field: The least significant field in the ordering of a file; the one that changes most frequently.

Multilevel control Break: Refers to processing that produces more than one level of subtotal, i.e., subtotal for groupings of records on more than one field.

2. Write the advantages and disadvantages of HIPO Charts.

The main advantages of HIPO Charts are:

i. HIPO Chart provides more information.

ii. The input and output of each module are clearly identified so that we can easily determine what modules call the module being examined.

The main disadvantages of HIPO Charts are:

i. The documentation for a program gets bulky.

ii. There is a page for each module regardless of the actual size of the module.

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